We strive to connect people with God and to provide opportunities to build relationships, while becoming followers of Christ.
Our Country, "America the Beautiful" was founded on Biblical principles based on the infallible word of God. However, the corrosive power of sin has eaten away at our moral base causing the foundation to be weakened. We as people have strayed so very far away from truth and righteousness that God has issued a mandate, first to the church, then to all the nations of the world. All mankind must know that there is a Savior who sacrificed himself by laying His Life down, giving His own blood as an atonement for the sins of the world. Jesus Christ, the Spotless Lamb of God. Today God is calling the church to stand up, "ARISE," and make her statement. Turn back to the God of our Father. Abortion is at an all time high. Babies, beautiful little children, are taken away from their mothers womb never to fulfill their destiny. Pornography is rampant on the streets, on billboards, in movies, magazines, everywhere you look. The divorce rate is the highest it has ever been. Children taking up arms against each other, teachers, and yes, even against their parents. On and on goes the depraved works of Satan. Who will make a stand for rightness in the Name of Jesus? God has spoken, "I want a lighthouse, a spiritual hospital where the hurt, wounded, lame can run to. Make it a house of prayer for all nations that they may run to Me". God is calling His people to a place of Holiness, Servitude, and Power under the anointing of the Holy Ghost...ARISE...NEW BEGINNINGS LIFE CENTER, you are the Lighthouse, the Spiritual Hospital. The wounded and hurt will come; the hungry and thirsty will come; those who are weak and weary, tired and heavy laden will come; But we must be strong in the Lord to support them.
We must arm our self with the whole armor of God.
Pastor Earl Harrigan was born and raised in St. Thomas, US Virgin islands. At the age of 17, after attending the College of the Virgin Islands for a while, his mother consented to have him go to New York City to study music and to receive vocal training. While in NYC, he met his future bride, Erna.
Pastor Earl & Erna were married on March 2, 1968. After enlisting in the
United States Army, Pastor Harrigan received orders to deploy to Vietnam, as he was preparing to leave with his unit, he was reordered to report to Washington, D.C. Those orders would change their lives forever. Pastor Earl would go on to have a long and successful career as a soloist for the US Army Band, which included singing for 5 Sitting Presidents (Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, & Bush-41), Queen Elizabeth, and many other Heads of State and dignitaries. In 1991, after 24 years of service, Pastor Earl felt the Lord calling him into full-time ministry. Pastor Earl has been a soloist for Dr. Morris Cerullo of Morris Cerullo World Evangelism (MCWE) for over 25 years. The Lord has taken Pastor Earl and Erna all over the world and they have ministered to thousands of people in many different countries. In May of 1998, Pastor Earl and Erna would become the founding Pastors of New Beginnings Life Center and over 20 years later, continue to lead us in fulfilling the vision the Lord placed with them for this area and the nations.
Pastor Earl and Erna have 2 wonderful daughters & sons (in-law), 5 amazing grandchildren, and countless "adopted" sons and daughters throughout the world.

NBLC is located approximately 35 minutes North of Tampa in Spring Hill, Florida.
As of 2017, Hernando County has a population of 186,553. Its county seat is Brooksville, and its largest community is Spring Hill. Hernando County is included in the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater Metropolitan Statistical Area.
As of 2005, Hernando was the 35th fastest-growing county in the country.
"Who You Say I Am"
Hillsong Worship