From the desk of...
Pastor Earl Harrigan
April 2020
Dearly beloved,
"Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and Thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God forever and ever, AMEN "
In the Gospel of Matthew 24:6 we find these words of Jesus, "… For all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet."
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, during these crucial times where we see our world changing into what is being called "the new normal", we can rest knowing that God never changes, the word of GOD will stand forever. I have often said, "if it wasn't for the Lord..." and thanks be to our God, the Lord is on our side. We are well provided for and we can stand on the faithfulness of our faithful GOD who sees, who knows, who cares about every detail of our lives.
Allow me to encourage you as we proceed through this pandemic, know for certain that JESUS, the LIVING CHRIST knows exactly what HE is doing. This is not the time to be fearful and troubled in your spirits. For we have read the last chapter of the book and we know exactly what's ahead of us. Please, stay on your knees in prayer and seek the FACE of our GOD for not only our nation, but the entire world as we endure these perilous times. Please continue to support and take care of the needs of our worship house, NBLC.
As we look forward to the day when we can all come together again and praise and bless our LORD and SAVIOR Jesus Christ, I believe in my spirit that GOD will use these times to bring glory to HIMSELF. So please keep your hearts fixed on the promises of our God and watch what HE will do as HE continues fulfilling all the wonderful promises HE has made for us...we shall see HIM as HE IS!
I send you a spiritual hug and the love of the Lord and it won't be long before we see each other again. Please continue to pray for JESUS TO HAVE HIS WAY in our lives.
Also, continue to watch the services on Live on our YouTube channel and and keep a thanksgiving praise in your heart and on your lips unto our heavenly FATHER. Know we love you and look forward to face to face times again. (Psalm 1:1-6)
I remain your Pastor and brother in CHRIST
Pastor Earl.
July 2019
“Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you today: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more forever”. Exodus 14:13
As Moses and the Hebrew children came to what seemed the end of the journey, they were facing the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army charging behind them, fear broke out among the children of God and great concern for the future began to be heard in the ranks...we know the rest of the story and as we watch the event unfold, let's continue to believe God and step into the promise. I'm saying this to let you know that there are those of you who are concerned about what GOD is doing with Pastor Earl. Has he come to the end of his journey at New Beginnings? and should we be concerned? Well, quite the contrary, we have come to a place where God is going to show HIMSELF mighty. We will go through trials of some kind to realize that we truly can trust God to make a way when there seems to be no way. Well my dear partners in Christ, my family, we're continuing the journey just as planned. GOD has not changed his mind about us, so I'm asking you to be vigilant, to be watchful and stand with me. Together we will see the SALVATION of our GOD. The word of the Lord that came to us at the first of the year: "God said HE'S doing a new thing". Please be encouraged, stand firm, continue to support the ministry, continue to come together as the people of God to worship HIM and see the salvation of our God. Let it be known that I am not stepping down as the senior pastor but continuing to move forward as God directs us.
So be strong, be of good courage, stand together and be determined to see the promise come to its fullness. Both Erna and I love you dearly and as we continue the journey. WE WIN!
In the service of the King I remain!
March 2019
As we embark on what will be the greatest period in the history of this planet, we look forward to the soon return of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. We, here at New Beginnings Life Center Church, believe that the HOLY BIBLE is the infallible WORD of the TRUE and LIVING GOD! JESUS clearly states in Matthew what we are to experience shortly before his return and the signs Indicate very clearly that we are about to experience what we the church, Christian believers, call the rapture. There is a directive from our SAVIOR to go and tell the world that our GREAT CREATOR desires that none should be lost. We are instructed to tell everyone we meet and engage in conversation with that JESUS CHRIST is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE....and no one can come to GOD THE FATHER except through HIM. The years seem to be rushing by so quickly and it's a clear indication of the promise that our Savior made to us that HE IS "Speeding up the times for the sake of the elect". And HE WILL COME AGAIN TO RECEIVE US UNTO HIMSELF, that where HE is we may be also.
Thank God for the HOLY SPIRIT, the THIRD PERSON OF THE HOLY TRINITY.....HE IS MOST ACTIVE in the lives of the "true believers" keeping us on track and preparing our hearts for the great and glorious event of our soon coming KING JESUS. The BIBLE tells us to call upon the NAME of the LORD and we shall be saved. It's time to seek first the KINGDOM OF GOD and cry out to GOD...ask HIM TO FORGIVE YOU OF YOUR SINS AND ACCEPT JESUS AS LORD AND SAVIOR. Join us this and every Sunday at 9:30 AM as we celebrate and worship the KING of kings and LORD of lords, JESUS CHRIST, our risen MESSIAH. See you there.